May 26, 2010

(Love Of Lesbian - Indie from Spain and Japan likes them too)

Love of Lesbian is an Indie/Alternative band from Barcelona who have been around since 1996. They've released several albums, of which their latest one 1999 has been picked up by a major (Warners in Spain). From what I've read, they have a pretty big following in Spain and Japan and are also making inroads to the rest of Europe. Needless to say, it's doubtful they may get released in the States, but you can still pick up on them via their MySpace page or from iTunes.

This track, Alli Donde soliamos gritar is the opening track on 1999.

Good stuff coming out of Spain - and when you least expect it.

And speaking of not expecting it . . .

we aren't but man, we can use it!

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