April 21, 2012

Had Keith Moon not told them they would go down like a Led Zeppelin, they might still be called The New Yardbirds.


We're still at 25% of our goal. A big debt of gratitude for the donations so far. But we still have a ways to go. We can get there if you can help out, any way you can. It doesn't have to be big - every bit helps. Give what you can so we can keep Newstalgia from going away forever. I know that sounds bad, because it is. Newstalgia will cease to exist after May if we can't raise $5,000.00 to pay the rent. I know we can get there. And if you like what this site is all about please do what you can to help.

Since we ran David Bowie last night, it's only natural we dig a bit more into the mainstream for something else unusual. And tonight it's Led Zeppelin in their second session at the BBC, recorded on June 24, 1969 for The John Peel Program.

If you're a diehard fan, you will probably have this session somewhere in your collection. You are probably well-versed in all things Zep. But if you're a casual fan, you may not have heard this session, and you may not have realized Led Zeppelin were originally The New Yardbirds, when the old Yardbirds dissolved. When Jimmy Page, the last remaining member of The Yardbirds set out to form a new band, following largely in the footsteps of the old one. When asked if he was interested in joining up in this new venture, Who drummer Keith Moon declined, casually adding Page's new band idea would mostly likely go down like a Led Zeppelin with audiences.

And the rest is history.

And so's what you're going to hear:

24/06/1969 - Led Zeppelin
Producer - John Walters
Engineer - Tony Wilson
Studio - Maida Vale 4

What Is And What Should Never Be
Whole Lotta Love
Travelling Riverside Blues
Communication Breakdown

Jimmy Page (Guitar)
Robert Plant (Vocals)
John Paul Jones (Bass, Piano, Organ)
John Bonham (Drums)

Take it from there.

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