(Crooked Cowboy & The Freshwater Indians - finally, a new music genre) I don't think there is really an adequate way to describe Crooked Cowboy & t
November 17, 2009


(Crooked Cowboy & The Freshwater Indians - finally, a new music genre)

I don't think there is really an adequate way to describe Crooked Cowboy & the Freshwater Indians. So I won't. Other than I think we've hit on something wonderful.

But right now the only thing you can really do is listen to this track, BumpyGBH and get sucked into it. It's an amazing adventure.

And once you do that, go over to their MySpace or Last.FM page and check out the other tracks as well as their upcoming gig listings. They're an L.A. outfit, so I suspect they won't be showing up in London anytime soon (unless of course you have connections and can book them). They've only been together a short while, are not on a label and can certainly use every bit of support they can get.

Do yourself a favor.

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