(Brother Jack McDuff - a little funk does a body good) A little funk tonight by way of Brother Jack McDuff. From his 1971 Blue Note album "Who Know
August 27, 2009


(Brother Jack McDuff - a little funk does a body good)

A little funk tonight by way of Brother Jack McDuff. From his 1971 Blue Note album "Who Knows What Tomorrow's Gonna Bring?".

This is the title track.

McDuff has taken something of a back seat in the recognition department over the years. And that's a shame - you can never have too many great Hammond B3 players in the world. I remember first hearing McDuff around the same time I first heard Jimmy Smith. To me, there was always enough room in the world to enjoy both of them - they came from different musical places. But they shared a common bond of excellence. McDuff was the funkier - but there's a big place in the world for that.

If you haven't checked out Brother Jack McDuff, or the ton of albums he's released (a lot, but not all are reissued on CD), here's a great chance to do yourself a favor.

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