There is a treasure trove of artists and songs that have gone strangely unnoticed in mainstream music over the years. Referred to in the U.S. as Deep Soul and in the UK as Northern Soul, it was a rich vein of music that became a sub-genre all to itself. Rarely did many (or any) get the sales or airplay recognition of the acknowledged hit makers, this was however the backbone, the songs that fairly ached performed by artists who were either largely overlooked, or who went on to achieve fame later in the mainstream.
Tonight's track is by Willie James - a single issued around 1971 which has become a serious collectors item over the years. Down On My Knees is typical of the Deep Soul genre - songs which dealt with themes of loss, betrayal, hurt, determination, pain and love just gone bad.
I think we're going to be paying an extended visit to Deep Soul this week. There's certainly enough to pick from.
This might be new to you. Stick around for the expedition.