January 4, 2011

Sen. Joseph O'Mahoney - even then the consensus was we were great at waging war and lousy at waging peace.

From a weekly radio program aptly titled Time For Reason, a talk by Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D-Wyoming), former Postmaster General and former Chairman of Indian Affairs, O'Mahoney delivers a talk on the waging of peace, right around the time the Cold War was starting to heat up.

Sen. Joseph O’Mahoney: “It is becoming apparent that it is much more difficult to achieve peace than it is to win unwanted war. Men are already hopelessly talking about a third world war to be conducted with weapons more terrible even than those which were used in the last one. It becomes imperative therefore, if we desire to avoid such a catastrophe, to attempt frankly to face the facts, both with respect to ourselves and to the other nations of the world. Surely we are not deceiving ourselves if we say that the people of the United States have amply demonstrated in the two terrible conflicts of this century, that they have no ambition for conquest or aggrandizement.”

For the time, cooler heads were prevailing, at least as far as June 24, 1947 (the date of this broadcast) were concerned. That would all change soon enough when the war to be waged wound up being a domestic one.

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