Fox's Greg Gutfeld, a "news" prostitute who lies for money, is like other Republicans in that he needs to shut his stupid mouth about rape. And he inadvertently admitted that the American consumer pays for tariffs, thankyouverymuch. Donald has created so much chaos that January feels like it has eleventy bazillion days in it this year, but that's OK with Gutfeld, who gives his prissydent a pass at every turn.
Interestingly, Gutfeld parroted Donald's false talking point that America "is in decline" even though Joe Biden gifted his successor with a healthy economy. Just like Obama did with Donald, then VonShitzenpants turned it into an apocalyptic economy. Wash, rinse, repeat. And then he weighed in on rape.
"As for AOC and Ana Navarro, they seem to care more about coffee and flowers than women getting raped," Gutfeld said, Media Matters reports. "They are some -- where is the pro women?"
"Ana Navarro thinks she's going to get flowers for Valentine's Day? I think not," he added. "But the fact that -- they are arresting rapists and they are worried -- I think women would pay 10 cents more for their coffee if they didn't have to worry about getting raped on the subway, you bozos."
So, we have to pay more in subway fares not to get raped? That doesn't make any sense. As for spending more, home construction costs will increase, food shortages will be a thing, agriculture and the hospitality sector will take a hit -- and that's just from Donald's mass deportation. And, of course, tariffs will be paid for by the consumer.