October 19, 2013

Video courtesy of AMC.

Spoiler Alert! Season 4, episode 2 of The Walking Dead: "Infected."

This is a short preview of this Sunday's episode of The Walking Dead, and so we don't spoil it for anyone who doesn't want to see the preview, I won't give much away up here at the top.

Let's go below the fold for more...

As this episode is titled "Infected," and from what is given away in this video clip, I suspect that in that batch of piglets that Rick and son Carl have been caring for -- there was likely one infected. Recall last week the piglet that was ill -- Carl named her "Violet" -- was it the Zombie virus?

Something is happening in cell block "D."

Watch and see what you think.

Don't forget, Walking Dead airs at 9p.m. EST, followed by Talking Dead.

There is a longer look available here, if you want more of a preview of the coming episode.

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