February 24, 2014

(Spoilers Below)

Last week's episode "Inmates" ended with Glenn passing out after killing a zombie horde with Tara and they were met by three new characters in a truck.

This is the third episode after the break and sometimes they are the hardest to make interesting. Outside of some further character development for Michonne, we learn only a few tidbits of interest, like somebody might know what caused the plague, but that's about it. There's also contrast shown between a group that's trying to survive as a community like Rick's and a band of ruthless cutthroats out to take whatever they can, leaving their own path of destruction in their wake. It's probably very common after zombie apocalypse. They are much more dangerous than walkers.

Michonne and Carl go hunting for supplies while Rick rests his battered body. Carl is acting cranky and says he's just tired, but Michonne doesn't buy it and tries to lighten the load by shooting crazy cheese into her mouth. But she gets no reaction from Carl and tells him she had a three year old toddler who did find her funny. Carl is shocked by this revelation and asks why she never told him she had a kid. This is an important moment for Michonne because she's trying to get Carl to open up about his own pain.

Rick is sleeping, but hears a commotion in the house that wakes him up. A band of marauders has entered in a cacophony of broken house parts. Rick hides under his bed, not wanting to be caught. But unfortunately for Rick, somebody comes up the stairs and lays on top of the bed he's hiding under.

Michonne's son was named Andre Anthony. This is the first time she's ever told anyone about her son, since he died. It's great to see her open up to Carl and she's fast becoming more than an acquaintance. They enter a house and Michonne discovers a series of kids rooms which is intriguing after she revealed her back story to Carl. She opens a door to a pink room and when she walks in, she discovers that it's a suicide room. The entire family is decomposing within its walls. It shakes her to tears and she rushes out to catch her breath when Carl comes upon her, notices her state and thinks she found a baby in there. She lies and says she only found a dog. Carl finally opens up about his own pain which we now know to be the death of baby Judith, whom he doesn't know is still alive. Carl says that his father let him name the baby. Maybe her and Andre are together? Michonne smiles.

Meanwhile, under the bed

Another man enters the room and wakes up the man who's sleeping and lays 'claim' to the big bed he's on and then fights and kills him for possession of it.

My bed. Now jack off.

Glenn wakes up next to Tara, riding in the back of a flat bed military truck that's streaming down the road. He asks her how long they've been traveling and if she saw a bus. She says they've been traveling about three hours and she says she saw the bus, but everyone was dead. Glenn violently exits off gets off the vehicle and meets three new characters: Sgt. Abraham Ford, Dr. Eugene Porter and Rosita Espinosa . Abraham tells them that they are on a mission to get Eugene to Washington D.C. because Eugene is a scientist and he knows what caused the zombie plague and can save the world.

Glenn stops and asks what happened to the world and Dr. Porter tells him it's classified. Abraham explains their history and says they've been talking with the muckety -mucks in DC on a satellite phone, but for the past couple of weeks, nobody has been picking up. So they are heading there. He liked the way Glenn handled himself against the walkers, so he's asks for his help. Glenn refuses him again and walks away, heading in Maggie's direction. Tara explains to Glenn that she had to get him out of the road because he passed out. Abraham seems like a decent guy (Kudos for casting Michael Cudlitz from Southland), but he makes a mistake trying to talk to Glenn like some newbie in boot camp. His next mistake was telling him that Maggie was probably dead which triggers Glenn to cold-cock the sergeant. Abraham gets up off the ground and attacks Glenn ferociously. Meanwhile, Porter is on the opposite end from where the commotion is taking place and sees zombies approaching them from a corn field. He grabs a machine gun when he suddenly finds he's surrounded by walkers and starts haphazardly shooting at the walkers, hitting their truck as well. That stops the fight between Glenn and Abraham. After they kill all the zombies, Abraham sees that the gas tank is leaking gas.



Rick finally crawls out from under the bed as the guy is fast asleep. Killing is tiring business. There's a few other grizzled men in the house longing for a woman they believe is living there and are calling dibs on the first rape. The writers chose not to reveal their faces except for Jeff Korber's, who is a great veteran actor. I imagine he wouldn't sign up for a bit part like that so he'll be back. Rick runs into the bathroom and right into another member of the marauders on the toilet bowl. He immediately attacks him and eventually strangles him out, grabbing his machine gun. He climbs out of the second story window and jumps down onto the back porch.

Abraham is trying to patch up the gas tank when Glenn apologizes for the truck and leaves. Tara follows right behind Glenn. Rosita turns and follows them also. Abraham looks on in disbelief, but Dr. Porter tells him that that way is clear from zombies and they should follow them and then pick up another vehicle later.

Trust me, I'm smarter than you.

Dr. Porter is an a-,for sure.

Rick is hiding beneath the front porch waiting to sandbag the group when the apparent leader comes out and sits down, eating. And of course, that's when Rick notices his son and Michonne returning from their hunt. Just as Rick is about to attack the eating man, there's a zombie scream and bullets start flying inside the house (I imagine that the strangled marauder turned) so the leader goes inside to see what's happening, which allows Rick to run off with Carl and Michonne.

Abraham thinks Glenn is stubborn after fighting with him which is a good thing and he tells Tara that what he's doing is more important than letting him find his wife. Tara thinks he's full of shit, tells him and then asks not to be lied to again.

Michonne, Rick and Carl walk down the same railroad tracks that will lead them to Terminus and when they find a sanctuary sign, they decide to follow it.

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