Kudos to Crooks and Liars readers once again for donating to the "Solidarity Pizza" fund! We were able to have pizza delivered for the wonderful people at Occupy Wichita on the day of their "Zombie Crawl."
November 2, 2011

Kudos to Crooks and Liars readers once again for donating to the "Solidarity Pizza" fund! We were able to have pizza delivered for the wonderful people at Occupy Wichita on the day of their "Zombie Crawl."

The Occupy Wichita folks were kind enough to take the time during their meal to make this video for us to says thanks for the pizza.

Thank-you, Occupy Wichita!

In solidarity,


You can alway donate to the Crooks and Liars "Solidarity Pizza" fund through this PayPal link so we can continue passing on the love:


[Amato's Pizza, Photo courtesty of Tina Dupuy, Amato's Pizza no relation to John!]

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