February 1, 2022

Fox News takes the homeless situation in Portland, and magnifies it to incredible heights to promote their rising crime Democrat city meme by claiming the entire city of Portland looks like the set of the Walking Dead.

Sandra Smith said homeless camps "have now become full scale criminal enterprises."

That's kind of her.

Fox News reporter Dan Springer got into the action by describing the city of Portland as a zombie apocalypse minus the hordes of undead.

Car thefts in Portland have risen to highs because of COVID, but host Sandra Smith said police are blaming the defund the police movement.

"Unfortunately, Portland, a beautiful city, Fox News takes the homeless situation in Portland has been turned into the set The Walking Dead show, minus the zombies, of course." Springer said.

Fox News only showed video of the homeless to accentuate their opposition research commitment.


Of course this is a false narrative.

KGW8 reports, "Data suggests police recover the vast majority of cars that are reported stolen. This year, 78% of stolen vehicles have been recovered within 30 days. 89% of cars stolen this year have been recovered to date. In October, police recovered 44 stolen cars over the course of three days."

No zombies were reported either.

They did fail to report that much of the crime in Portland comes from right-wing groups like Patriot Prayer, Oath Keepers, and more. That wouldn't fit their narrative.

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