Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed Kamran Loghman on Wednesday, inventor of pepper spray and the developer of police procedures for its use. Loghman regrets his work today, and says it's "fashionable" to use chemical agents on "people
December 1, 2011

Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed Kamran Loghman on Wednesday, inventor of pepper spray and the developer of police procedures for its use. Loghman regrets his work today, and says it's "fashionable" to use chemical agents on "people who have an opinion":

"It is becoming more and more fashionable right now, this day and age, to use chemical on people who have an opinion. And that to me is a complete lack of leadership both in the police department and other people who cannot really deal with the root of the problem and they want to spray people to quiet them down. And it’s really not supposed to be that. It’s not a thing that solves any problem nor is it something that quiets people down.”

You can watch the full interview here.

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