September 30, 2024

During Sunday's rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Trump rambled on not knowing the differences between Communism, Marxism, or Socialism, so instead, he evoked the movie Chinatown to clear things up.

Trump claimed VP Harris has allowed millions and billions of criminals into the country. ( I exaggerate, of course)

Trump is dissembling worse and worse as we get closer to the election.

TRUMP: And over 600,000 highest — they call them highest-level criminals in our country --
convicted murderers and opposes all efforts to find them and to remove them. She opposes all these efforts.

Because, look, she's a communist, you know that.

I say, I used to say Marxist, but unfortunately nobody knows what that is.

Most people said, what's a Marxist?

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I said, I have to use the word communist, okay?

Does anybody mind?

Does anybody mind?

It's close.

And, by the way, they're close enough.

Remember, I used to say, Our country will never be a socialist country.

And I turned out to be right.

They skipped socialism.

They went right down to communism.

So I was right, see, because I'm right about everything.


Trump is right about everything.

Trump is right about everything.

Faye Dunaway in Chinatown didn't know if she should say daughter or sister, like Trump doesn't know what a Marxist is. Also, there are lots of great socialist policies in this country, and many, if not most, of his most fervent MAGAs are in one form or another.

The fawning MAGA cult lightly cheered him on.

By November 1st, Trump will be quoting Dr. Seuss and insisting he's a founding father.

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