Watch: The Overpass Light Brigade has a new target: The Keystone XL pipeline. This video on that subject is the pièce de résistance.
May 10, 2013

The Overpass Light Brigade has a new target: The Keystone XL pipeline. This video on that subject is the pièce de résistance.

It was created by Dusan Harminc, a Minnesota filmmaker and time-lapse animator. The brigade spent three long nights shooting at various locations in Wisconsin that are emblematic of either dirty energy (oil container units in the Port of Milwaukee) or clean alternatives (nearby wind turbines). The intention is to send President Obama a 'video letter' since he is soon to decide on the issue. Will President Obama make good on his electoral promises and enthusiasm for a new energy future, or will he capitulate to the power and greed of Dirty Oil?

On each of the three shoots, as the time-lapse progressed, the brigade's volunteer "Holders of the Lights" stood for three or more hours in the cold. It took about 12 hours of field work in addition to video production and transportation to create the one-minute video. Enjoy.

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