On Saturday, January 21, activists across the country working with Public Citizen will “Occupy the Corporations” in a series of demonstrations planned throughout the country, designed to expose the fraud that is corporate personhood.
January 17, 2012

On Saturday, January 21, activists across the country working with Public Citizen will “Occupy the Corporations” in a series of demonstrations planned throughout the country, designed to expose the fraud that is corporate personhood.

The demonstrations will target corporations like Bank of America and Chevron, calling them out on "the hijacking of our democracy."

In addition to the “Occupy the Corporations” demonstrations, Public Citizen will be hosting rallies in California, Maryland, Massachusetts and Vermont with state law makers and other allied organizations to highlight the push for resolutions in those states legislatures to overturn Citizens United.

“The groundswell of national grassroots activity in support of a constitutional amendment we’re seeing is tremendous,” said Mark Hays, campaign coordinator for Public Citizen’s Democracy is for People Campaign. “With this sort of momentum, we’re ready to write the next chapter of our campaign to ensure that democracy is for people, not corporations.”

For more information about the “Occupy the Corporations” movement, including how you can get involved, click here.

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