The above video shows Carly Fiorina lying about her stand on campaign finance reform. In her statement she says she wants the rules to apply to everyone: The Koch brothers AND George Soros, large corporations AND labor unions.
But in reality, she doesn't expect campaign finance law to apply to her. Ever. And now there's a trail of emails and websites to prove it.
Fiorina's practice of publishing her campaign schedule on the internet, and then her super PAC "finding out" where she is and showing up with signs and voter registration materials with no "coordination" has been noted for months as a nose-thumbing to the no-coordination rules.
Now The International Business Times has found that Taylor Mason, a super PAC staff member, did email advance work for an event at Winthrop University.
“I have a few questions about the location,” Mason wrote back after fixing the details. “What is the address of the building? Where should people park? Is there handicap parking available? Do y'all plan on putting something out to your students to let them know she'll be there?”
Soon, the super PAC received an advance walkthrough of the event location, after Mason arranged a meeting between a university employee and his group’s field director.
My own investigation proves that Carly for America Super PAC staffers are actually issuing tickets for Fiorina events via Eventbrite. This announcement for an event in Reno shows a Jennifer Baker as one of the event's contacts. A Jennifer Baker, political consultant, is listed on the leadership team of Carly for America Super PAC for Nevada. Coordination? Yes. Coincidence? No.
The Federal Elections Commission is supposed to do something about these kind of shenanigans, but the Commission is divided between three Democrats and three Republicans. The Democratic chair of the commission has all but surrendered, calling the committee worse than dysfunctional.
There's a reason why candidates love super PACs. Campaign finance laws DO effectively limit individuals from giving more than a few thousand dollars to a Presidential campaign. But individuals and corporations can give a super PAC unlimited money. The check on that money is, that the super PAC cannot coordinate with the candidate or donate money to that candidate.
Yeah, right.
By hiring political consultants who then issue tickets for an event to which Carly Fiorina is merely invited? Doing all the advance work for the "event"? Showing up at other campaign stops with banners, buttons, voter registration sheets, parking signs, etc.?
And don't get me started that PACs are not supposed to have the candidate's name in their title, so Carly for America told the FEC that "Carly" was an acronym for "Conservative, Authentic, Responsive Leadership for You." No, I am not making that up.
"Crooked, Arrogant, Reprehensible, Lying to You" is more like it.
h/t Raw Story via Jamie Holly.