April 24, 2009

Bill O'Reilly's hatred of NBC really has no limits. Including the most crass hypocrisy.

Last night on his Fox News show, O'Reilly featured some audio from Jesse Watters' invasion of the GE shareholders meeting -- which he described as a "stockholders' revolt."

Though there was some applause for Watters' histrionics (gee, now there's a surprise; right-wingers at a shareholders meeting), there was no actual "stockholders revolt." Just Jesse, doin' his shameless-partisan-attack-hack schtick.

But what was actually noteworthy about the segment was its overarching theme, as in the announced topic: "Will General Electric get paid for supporting President Obama?"

It concludes with this capper:

O'Reilly: Now think about this, ladies and gentlemen: A failing corporation, General Electric, might reap billions of dollars if the feds OK the carbon deal. By the way, GE is already getting taxpayer bailout money for its financial unit. So it's not a stretch to assume [GE CEO Jeffrey] Immelt would want to help President Obama as much as possible.

Now, we've asked Mr. Immelt a number of times to appear here on the Factor, but he will not, and that's why we sent Jesse out to see him.

This is obviously a major story -- when a powerful corporation which controls a major part of the American media may be using its power and the airwaves to influence politics in order to make money from government contracts. That kind of corruption would make Watergate look small. We hope it is not true.

This funny, coming from the lead personality at a network owned by Rupert Murdoch, who has essentially carved out his niche in America by helping to promote Republicans, who turned about and enabled him to make billions of dollars in this country by rewriting the longstanding rules of ownership. This was first noticed back in 1995, and continued for as long as Republicans held Congress and the White House.

I just love that chryon: "When a major company uses its power to influence politics and make money, it's a big story."

Really. An Bill O'Reilly has been around politics how long now?

And this wasn't a "big story" when Rupert Murdoch did it?

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