July 31, 2018

By now, you know. Fox News are total hypocrites.

On this morning's Fox and Friends, the Crotch Couch lauded Donald Trump for this unplanned announcement that he would meet with the Iranians without preconditions.

He caught his own White House, and his party's congressional delegation, completely by surprise. But Fox and Friends can turn on a dime with Dear Leader.

“You have to go in tough but, if you want change, sitting down with them might be the way to do it,” said Ainsley Earhardt.

Hey Fox and Friends, we've got receipts on how you felt about talking to Iran AT ALL when Obama was President.

Crooks and Liars has a massive, searchable video archive
that includes many examples of Fox News freaking out over "Barack Obama giving the entire United States of America over to Iran on a silver platter!!!"

Fox's Gutfeld: Obama's Going To Turn Us Into The United States Of Iran

Greta Van Sustern presents Sarah Palin as expert opposition to Iran Deal

Hannity Just Can't Stand the Thought of a Diplomatic Solution with Iran

Oh you've gotta watch Gretchen Carlson freak out about, you know, talking to Iran.

Oh, and then there's this Fox News Commentator:

Yes, back on April 1, 2015, our editors had to add that this video was not an April Fool's joke.

It's a total joke now.

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