Pic of the week via Towleroad, h/t Rev. Phat: [British] Trooper Ben Rakestrow is speaking out about his time in the British Army and his service
December 18, 2009

zac efron comforter_4deea.jpg

Pic of the week via Towleroad, h/t Rev. Phat:

[British] Trooper Ben Rakestrow is speaking out about his time in the British Army and his service in Afghanistan, where he came out to his fellow soldiers... 'They couldn't believe it.' But Trooper Rakestrow, from Exeter, said it was the best decision of his life, adding that he was accepted and treated as an equal. He said: 'I get banter from them all the time, but it's good banter. They all want to know about my life, they ask a lot of questions. I don't find it hard to talk about it.'

You've gotta be really comfortable to be out and proud in the barracks with a Zac Efron quilt!

I really think we underestimate the generosity and humanity of ALL our military when we think they won't accept a fellow soldier for who he or she is. Ben Rakestrow is living, serving proof of that.

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