The Fox News host regularly shouts and stammers and shakes during his openings. especially now that immigration is seen as Trump's only winning issue.
October 1, 2024

Over the weekend, Fox News host Mark Levin spent the first 20 minutes of his show screaming, shaking, and hyperventilating over every complaint, conspiracy, and MAGA lie about President Biden, Kamala Harris, and the entire Democratic Party.

Levin is deconstructing and dissembling just as much as Demented Donald as the election grows near and the polls have shifted in favor of VP Harris.

Anti-Semitism is becoming enshrined in our society, in our media, our despicable, contemptible media that hides behind the First Amendment, that hides behind this Constitution as it burns it, as it shreds it, as it destroys it, as it throws in on freedom of the press with the Democrat Party, as the Democrat Party becomes the umbrella organization for the Marxists and the Islamists and all the reprobates, the Jew haters, the Christian haters, and the American haters.

That's what that party has become.

It's always been a party of hate, from slavery to segregation to eugenics to Jim Crow.

Projection much?

And it has never stopped.

Look what's going on today.

Look at our border.

There are women who are missing by the hundreds of thousands, being sold into sex slavery, enriching Mexican terroristic drug cartels who are in collusion with the Communist Chinese.

Where are these women?

Where are they?

Nobody even asks.

Now that's not a natural disaster like Hurricane Helene.

This is a man-made disaster.

We haven't seen human trafficking and slavery like this since the end of the damn Civil War.

And it's happening right under our noses.

Biden doesn't even talk about it.

This entire rant is an exercise in gaslighting and projection. No one in the Biden administration is engaging in human trafficking, but there are provable instances of Republicans turning their backs on it.

I deeply despise Levin because he claims to be an expert on the US Constitution (He holds it up every chance he gets) and the Supreme Court, but foams at the mouth in service of a traitorous ex-president.

This is but a short sample of his rantings and ravings.

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