You just knew the "Michele Bachmann was a conservative martyr taken down by liberals and the media" stuff was coming, right? This is one of the right's favorite plays.
See, every Republican who's run out of office (Nixon, DeLay), quits (Palin, Bachmann) or just beclowns themselves (Akin, O'Donnell) didn't fall because they were criminal, corrupt or just plain incompetent. No, it's always the "venomous hatred" of "the Left" that's their undoing. (Leaving aside, of course, that most of these "martyrs" unleash a great deal of venomous hatred for their political opponents themselves. But I digress.)
Yep, if it weren't for the Left's "hatred," Gerald Ford would've been a two-term president, Vice President Palin would be the favorite to win in 2016, and Senators Akin and O'Donnell would be co-authoring the repeal of abortion rights as we speak.
It's amazing they find this fairy-tale comforting, but they keep telling it over and over, so they must.