"Obama's trying to surpress the military vote in Ohio!" is the focus of one of the latest right-wing ragegasms (see here, here, here and here). And of course, it's a lie. Obama wants all eligible Ohio voters, including servicemen and
August 7, 2012


"Obama's trying to surpress the military vote in Ohio!" is the focus of one of the latest right-wing ragegasms (see here, here, here and here).

And of course, it's a lie.

Obama wants all eligible Ohio voters, including servicemen and women, to have the same ability to vote, which Romney says, in writing, means Obama is trying to "undermine" the troops' ability to vote.

This is as loathsome a lie as Romney has told all year -- and given his record, that's not an easy threshold to meet.

And it's also why The Donald is tweeting links to the highly-respected Newsmax.

Keep trying, wingnuts. One of these fake scandals is bound to stick, one of these days.

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