Willard may have had a big night on Tuesday, but the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, who's a Willard supporter, is still downgrading his chances of beating President Obama.
“This is like watching a Greek tragedy,” McCain told the Boston Herald, saying that negative campaigning and increasingly personal attacks “should have stopped long ago.”
See, when I watch the 2012 GOP primary, I don't think Greek Tragedy. I think "Three Stooges."
“Any utility from the debates has been exhausted, and now it’s just exchanging cheap shots and personal shots followed by super PAC attacks,” said the senior senator from Arizona, one of two states with primaries today.
“I know he’s going to be the nominee, but I also worry about how much damage has been done,” McCain said.
And if there's anyone who knows about doing damage to your presidential aspirations, it's John McCain.
But for the record, the reason the GOP primary's been so ugly is because it's not a campaign of ideas. It's an ideological purity test. Instead of Lincoln-Douglas, the GOP is giving us the Salem Witch Trials.
McCain is right to be worried. Witch hunts usually don't end well.