June 23, 2016

Many political pundits analyzed Donald Trump's hit speech on Hillary Clinton by how many falsehoods it had in it, and that was true even for Fox News' The Five, were co-host Greg Gutfeld admitted as much - however - he loved it all the same.

Greg could barely contain his utter euphoric jubilation at some of the attack lines used about Hillary by Donald Trump.

Laughingly he said. "There you go, he (Trump) accused her of murder, corruption, lies, creating ISIS, appeasing slavers and rapists, destroying the entire middle east."

He continued, "The speech just wasn't a vehicle, it was a dump truck unloading steaming, wet garbage on Hillary's head. The only things he didn't blame her for was Zoolander 2, man buns and coconut water."

Whenever he goes for the joke, he flops, but...

Gutfeld was ecstatic that Trump wasn't acting like Romney and said, " Not only takes off the gloves, he adds brass knuckles, a blowtorch and death metal."

He continued to play clips of Trump using conspiracy theories from discredited books and admits Donald is not being honest, but he was stoked by the ugliness that Trump is sure to bring the next four and a half months, "...it's gonna get ugly, like Tyson versus Holyfield in 97', someone is gonna lose an ear."

He finished off his screed with some typical Obama bashing...

I'm surprised he didn't leave the set and go to the bathroom to finish up.

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