October 7, 2024

Rep. Jared Moskowitz is so good at taking smarmy, dumbass Republicans down. SO. GOOD. He's been a force on the House "Oversight" Committee, taking on all manner of their bullshit on Hunter Biden, their fake "impeachment" and much more with his now trademark dripping sarcasm, intellect and a keen wit.

His destruction and debunking of partisan oil streak James Comer has been going on since they formed this ridiculous committee but this may have been his more impressive tour de force yet. I'm surprised Jim Comer didn't start crying, but, then again, Moskowitz did use some multisyllabic words, so maybe he didn't understand all of it.

In any case, watch. Laugh. Enjoy how effective Moskowitz is/has been at blunting the attempts of political whores like Comer to use this committee for wholly partisan purposes.

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