September 20, 2024

Representative Jared Moskowitz once again gave a masters level lesson in trolling, with the hapless Representative James Comer playing the foil, as usual.

Moskowitz started with questions about Project 2025, pointing out that Felon Trump is trying to flee from his own platform, and then homing in on the proposed removal of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Moskowitz pondered what they would do without NOAA. Maybe a Magic 8 Ball, or a Ouija Board. or maybe Felon Trump could just use his magic Sharpie Marker.

Then Moskowitz really hit his stride:

"You know, I could see it right now, right, Trump would come out and say, it's going to be raining cats and dogs today, please don't eat them," he explained.

Moskowitz then turned to Comer's "failed impeachment" of President Joe Biden.

"Here is the chairman's 300-page book report on impeachment," he remarked. "So I want the chairman to show the American people that we didn't just waste millions of taxpayer dollars to issue this book report."

Finally, Comer took the bait and tried to taunt Moskowitz. That went over about as well as you might have expected:

"You know, I could see it right now, right, Trump would come out and say, it's going to be raining cats and dogs today, please don't eat them," he explained.

Moskowitz then turned to Comer's "failed impeachment" of President Joe Biden.

"I'll begin by pointing out that Hunter Biden is going to be sentenced on December 6," Comer said.

"Hunter Biden's not the president," Moskowitz said.

"Here is the chairman's 300-page book report on impeachment," he remarked. "So I want the chairman to show the American people that we didn't just waste millions of taxpayer dollars to issue this book report."

"You need to take your medication and leave!" Comer shouted as he slammed the gavel on the dais.

Moskowitz got the last word by reminding Comer that he is considerably older and thus is on a lot more medication.

That's going to sting over the whole weekend.

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