October 28, 2024

Tucker Carlson did his part to contribute to the riling up the cult at Trump's racist hate-fest at Madison Square Garden this Sunday.

Tucker Carlson Makes Up Kamala Harris' Heritage In Racist Conspiracy Rant:

Tucker Carlson on Sunday falsely said Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is Samoan and Malaysian in a racist rant tinged by conspiracy theory. [...]

Harris’s mother is from India, and her father is from Jamaica.

But Carlson appeared to be using Samoa and Malaysia as sarcastic plug-ins for nonwhite nations to dig at Harris’ racial background. Republican nominee Donald Trump and allies have been doing that with greater intensity since the vice president received the nomination.

In a speech before Trump took the stage at Madison Square Garden, the disgraced Fox News alum also took other pages out of the GOP playbook. He insulted Harris’ intelligence and preemptively sowed doubt about the election results in case she wins.

As they noted, this is the same sort of stuff that got him fired from Fox after they had to pay Dominion Voting Systems $787.5 million.

Here's the rant in its entirety for anyone who doesn't want to hear the sound of his voice in the video above:

CARLSON: The second reason that people love Trump, and I put myself in this category, it’s why I’m here today, is because he’s liberated us in the deepest and truest sense.

The liberation he has brought to us is the liberation from the obligation to tell lies. Donald Trump has made it possible for the rest of us to tell the truth about the world around us. That’s the single most liberating thing you can do for people. If you want to enslave people, if you want to degrade them, force them to tell lies. They have.

They forced us to lie about everything at gunpoint effectively. They put people in prison for refusing to lie. Not just the obvious lies that men can become women or Vladimir Putin blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline. No, honestly, he did… January 6th was an insurrection. They were unarmed, but it was very insurrectiony. Not even the obvious ones.

But the big lie. Do you know what the big lie is? The big lie is that they’re impressive. That’s what the big lie is. That the people in charge have somehow earned the right to rule over you, and they haven’t.

You know that. These are the single most useless people in the United States. They have no skills whatsoever. They’ve got three quarters of the money, and they didn’t earn it.

They set up a system precisely to award themselves wealth and power when it’s undeserved. You look at Liz Cheney and you ask yourself, honestly, what skill could she possibly have that allowed her to send hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths? Did she earn that? I don’t think she did.

No fair system would make Liz Cheney powerful. No fair system would make Larry Fink rich. No fair system would elevate someone like Kamala Harris to a presidential nomination. She’s never been accused of doing anything useful. She has precisely no achievements.

She’s a nominee without getting a single vote. She is a metaphor for the system they created to make themselves rich and powerful. And then they have the gall to lecture you that people can actually change a flat tire and repair a power grid, who have useful jobs, who pay your taxes and work 40 hours a week, lecture you that you are somehow immoral.

And Donald Trump has empowered the rest of us through mostly just sticking around in the face of their hate and abuse and persecution. He has given the rest of us the right to call B.S. on the charade. No, you are not better than us. No, you are not smarter than us. No, you do not deserve what you have. You probably stole it. No. You’re not going to bully me into silence any more.

And I can promise you at this point, nine days out, when Robert F Kennedy Jr and Elon Musk and Tulsi Gabbard and pretty much every high school senior and college sorority girl in the country has come out, finally, saying, yeah, I am for Donald Trump, actually. When the entire country has realized there is nothing embarrassing about this. What’s embarrassing is to take a perfectly great country and destroy it as they have. I’m not ashamed. You should be at that moment.

It’s going to be pretty tough for them ten days from now to look in the eye to America with a straight face. It’s going to be pretty hard to look at us and say, you know what? Kamala Harris, she’s just she got 85 million votes because she’s just so impressive as the first Samoan, Malaysian, low IQ, former California prosecutor ever to be elected president, it was just a groundswell of popular support. And anyone who thinks otherwise is just a freak or a criminal.

At this stage of the game, after nine years of listening to their lies and finding every single one of them totally false. No, it’s not safe and effective. And no, she’s not impressive.

It’s very hard for me to believe the rest of us are going to say, you know what, Joe Scarborough, you’re right. You’re right. She won fair and square because she’s just so impressive. I don’t think so. And to me, that is liberation. It’s the freedom to say what’s obviously true as a free man and not a slave. I just want to say thank you, Donald Trump, for that.

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