Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden was awful. Speakers spewed fascist bile designed to incite violence, create fear, and distract voters from the fact Trump has nothing to offer.
October 28, 2024

Trump's rally at Madison Square Garden was worse than advertised. Speakers spewed fascist bile designed to incite violence, create fear, and distract voters from the fact Trump has nothing to offer.

Mike Madrid summed up the rally on his Substack:

"The vile vulgarity that oozed out of the mouths of the speakers at Madison Square Garden - not ironically the same venue the American Nazi Party held a white supremacist rally in 1939 - was clear, unvarnished racism."

Madison Square Garden Rally Designed to Distract

Make no mistake, this rally was created to make Americans fearful of Trump and Vance, which is what fascists and authoritarians love to do. The ugliness of the Trump rally was meant to distract voters and journalists into talking about Trump for the next few days.

We know traditional media will take the bait Trump and his crew are throwing out but voters need to stay focused on what matters--getting Kamala Harris elected. Listen to Secretary Pete Buttigieg:

Trump and Crew Put on a Show

The rally had all the worst elements! Hateful speakers bashed Puerto Rico, Latinos, and just about anyone else who wasn't an old white man. Trump and his friends made inside 'jokes' about violence, and Elon Musk played dress-up! Alejandra Caraballo is a Clinical Instructor at Harvard Law Cyberlaw Clinic. Caraballo pointed out how Elon Musk wore a MAGA hat using Nazi Germany-style lettering.

So clever, Leon!

Trump Played His Greatest Hits, But America Needs to Turn the Channel

Don't let these bullies and awful people distract us! Fight like hell and talk to everyone about the Kamala Harris Tim Walz campaign the next week. Ignore these dangerous clowns, and let's get to work!

Choose Freedom! Don't panic. Volunteer to phone bank!

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