September 8, 2024

The felon had a brain fart at his rally on Saturday in Mosinee, Wisconsin, where he gave a shoutout to his friend "Leon" Musk. If this were just one error or blunder, it wouldn't be a big deal, but the 78-year-old's slip-ups are becoming more frequent.

"Boeing had a little — I shouldn't say," Donald told the crowd. "There's a beautiful Boeing plane there. But Boeing had a little hard time, as you heard."

"So they're going to save — Leon is going to send up a rocket," the felon added. "He looks forward to it. That's all he thinks about, is things like that."

Xitter users had thoughts.

Donald floated the idea of Leon, the owner of the Bad App—which he destroyed—leading a government efficiency commission within his administration if he wins the 2024 election. Sure, that's just what we need: more narcissistic billionaires in government.

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