October 4, 2024

A desperate Ted Cruz joined Newsmax Tuesday morning to fear monger about his own election prospects while demanding money to fend off "George Soros and Chuck Schumer."

Apparently he isn't counting the contributions flowing in from regular voters to Colin Allred, whose popularity has turned Texas into a battleground state.

Cancún Cruz pretended his election is crucial, holding the entire country's fate in his hands against the Democratic Party.

God complex, much?

CRUZ: Look, there's no doubt Texas is a battleground today.

Chuck Schumer has been explicit. I'm his number one target in the country. And the Democrats are spending over $100 million. Chuck Schumer and George Soros are flooding cash into the state of Texas.

There have been multiple polls in the last three weeks that show it as a four-point race, a three-point race, a two-point race. And there have been two polls that show it as a one-point race. They are coming after me with everything they got.

My opponent, who is an extreme left-wing Democrat, is a congressman named Colin Allred. He's voted with Nancy Pelosi 100 percent of the time his first four years in Congress. He's voted for open borders and higher taxes and defunding the police.

And yet he's been on TV for three months straight with relentless attack ads.

I just went on TV a couple of weeks ago.

And so I want to encourage your viewers this morning.

I need your help.

Please go to TedCruz.org, TedCruz.org, and contribute, because we are getting swamped by Chuck Schumer and George Soros.

And as I said, they have put a bullseye on the state of Texas.

They know if they flip Texas, if they take me out, they take the entire country.

What a whiner. And doesn't he look frightened? GOOD.


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