October 2, 2024

MSNBC's Joy Reid reacted to the Vice Presidential debate on CBS News last night with a few fact-checks for J.D. Vance. There is a reason that Trump and Vance dislike fact-checks, and Reid came with fire, saying, "A smooth lie is still a lie."

"He said there were 25 million undocumented immigrants in the country," Reid pointed out. "It's probably more like 15, 16. "He repeatedly lied about Springfield again and did it so insistently that he had to have his mic muted because he kept trying to jump in and continue to lie about these people."

"He said they were brought in through something called the CBP One app," she continued. "And that is an app that immigrants can use to come in and get a certain kind of visa that was launched in 2020 under drum roll Donald Trump."

"He says that he never supported a national abortion ban," Reid continued. "I have here a printout that is already circulating all over social media. This is from the camp. This is from the campaign website of J.D. Vance when he ran for the United States Senate. It is headlined and abortion."

"He says he's a hundred percent pro-life, believes abortion has turned society into a place where we see children an inconvenience on and on and on," she said. "You also gave one of the quotes; I would certainly like to see abortion illegal nationally. He also said he was sympathetic to the view that a national ban is, would be necessary to stop women from traveling across states to obtain an abortion. So he's in favor of a sort of fugitive slave act to stop abortion. So he said that as well."

"He blamed undocumented immigrants for everything from rising house prices, rising food prices, inflation, maybe ghosts, and bad weather," Reid said. "I mean, he was blaming undocumented immigrants for every single thing."

"I think Tim Walz was really skillful in knocking those things down individually because he was speaking as a governor and could speak from his own experience," she continued. "He did a great job talking about housing costs and how those actually worked. The bipartisan way to save healthcare was absolutely absurd."

"He said most of our solar panels are coming from China," she said. It's literally the opposite. Google the Department of Education that says 80% of our solar panels come from drumroll, the United States."

"Trump peacefully gave over power on January 20th, kind of skipped January 6th when he was trying to overthrow the government," the MSNBC host continued. "He couldn't answer the question. Did Trump lose the election?"

"A smooth lie is still a lie," she said. "J.D. Vance is incredibly smooth, but he said nothing memorable. There's nothing clippable in what he said. They were just all smooth, bland lies."

"Tim Walz, who may be awkward," she noted, adding that it "took him a while to get warmed up, but he won the debate because he actually had substance. He was relatable and didn't go in there to slay J.D. Vance. He went in there to show himself, and he showed himself to be bipartisan. He showed himself to be reasonable. He showed himself to be practical. He acted as a governor."

"And a lot of people are complaining that he didn't knock J.D. Vance out and that he wasn't rhetorically cruel, but that was not his job," she added. "It was obvious that his job was to sell Kamala Harris as president. He did that very well."

Who won the debate? Well, if you watched, and you're politically savvy, you watched Trump's running-mate repeatedly lie. If someone is a political novice, they may not have noticed Vance's penchant for lying. Although, he dodged quite a few questions, and that was noticeable.

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