McWeirdo Supporter On Why Harris Shouldn't Run: 'This Is A Man's World'
Credit: Screen capture
October 21, 2024

A McWeirdo supporter from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, spoke to MAGA Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN). The supporter, who identifies as a Christian, named his reason why Vice President Kamala Harris shouldn't be in the race and why his hero needs to win the November election.

If you've ever spent time on Truth Social, Trump supporters hit their posts and are inundated with misogyny. I'm sure Andrew must be a frequent user of Trump's site. Just a hunch!

Andrew warned that Harris needed to pray or that she would "meet her maker real quick."

Harris, however, is a Baptist and married to a Jewish man. She found inspiration from the work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. I suppose, though, that Andrew's judgment stems from Harris not hawking Bibles and gold sneakers.

Andrew said he was there "to represent America" and "the truth, Jesus Christ."

"They don't want anything to do with God," he said of Democrats. "I think [Harris] better get on her hands and her knees and start crying out to the one and true living God because if not, she's gonna meet her maker real quick."

"I think she's dumb," he continued. "She's one of the dumbest women that could ever run. She shouldn't run."

"This is a man's world. This is a man's country. This...this country is supposed to be run like a business. And that is why Donald Trump is the one that we need at this moment."

This isn't a "man's world," you weirdo. Harris has an impressive resume and has proven herself capable of the job. This country has had male presidents since 1789, and she's coming for her 'Black job.' And Trump is the weakest and dumbest man we've ever witnessed in politics.

H/T: Raw Story.

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