October 27, 2024

Respected people who worked closely with Donald Trump called him a fascist. Republicans and Fox News pundits feigned outrage that anyone would be so mean to little Donnie. In the middle of the GOP pearl-clutching news cycle, the GOP candidate for president is having a rally at Madison Square Garden to "reenact" the infamous Nazi rally in the Garden in 1939.

If you don't want people to call you a fascist, don't act like one. Let me translate this concept into Texan for you. As my Texas dad used to used to say:

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck? It's a f***ing duck.

America is Using the F Word

After years of dancing around the F-word about Trump, people are talking about his fascist behavior. All it took to shock the media into finally calling out the GOP candidate's behavior:

Trump's former Chief of Staff John Kelly told The New York Times that Trump is a fascist. Since Kelly is a highly respected four-star general, Republicans couldn't blame "the libs."

The Guardian reported that the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired General Mark Milley, told Bob Woodward in his new book 'War,' that Trump was a fascist. Milley disclosed to Woodward:

“No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump. Now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country.”

Trump is talking to Putin regularly and giving the Russian dictator COVID machines during the pandemic.

There are a few other things Trump did that worried people.

  • He's going to use the military on Americans
  • Arrest Obama, Harris, Biden, and many others
  • He'll round up millions to put into camps
  • He wants to jail Americans who DONATE to Kamala Harris

JD Vance can try to defend Trump all day long. But cosplaying the 1939 Nazi rally? It's kind of a tell.

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