Rudy Giuliani Ordered To Hand Over Manhattan Apartment To GA Election Workers
Credit: Screengrab
October 23, 2024

Judge Lewis Liman of the federal court ordered Rudy to turn over his multimillion dollar Manhattan penthouse to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the election workers he defamed while trying to help TRump overthrow the 2024 election. And that's not all he needs to hand over. All his valuables, including his car, Rolex watches and anything else valuable now belongs to them.

Giuliani tried to use the bankruptcy court to bail him out but the courts denied that ploy.

The two Georgia election workers are also entitled to $2 million of legal fees that the disgraced former New York Mayor said the Trump campaign owes him.

Good luck trying to collect on those fees from Traitor Ttump.

CNN reports, "Giuliani must also turn over a collection of several watches, including ones given to him by European presidents after the September 11, 2001, attacks; a signed Joe DiMaggio jersey and other sports memorabilia; and a 1980 Mercedes once owned by the Hollywood star Lauren Bacall. Additionally, the judge ordered that Giuliani turn over his television, items of furniture, his television and jewelry."

We won't cry for you Giuliani.

This couldn't happen to an actual patriot of the U.S. and a defender of the U.S. Constitution. But it has happened to Rudy Giuliani, delivering at least some measure of justice.

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