JD Vance has ties to a rising radical MAGA group the 'TheoBros.' These young Christian Nationalists want to end women's voting rights and restore public flogging.
October 8, 2024

JD Vance has terrifying views about women but Vance's opinions are tame compared to a rising group in in MAGA world.

The growing influence of the TheoBros should scare every American. This group of white Christian Nationalist young men want to take away women's voting rights and bring back public flogging.

Mother Jones wrote an excellent exposé on the TheoBros. The world views of these young men show what's next if Americans don't stop Trump and Vance. Mother Jones' reporter Kiera Butler explains in her article that Vance's popularity in MAGA world is tied to this rising group.

You need to read the entire Mother Jones article but here are a few highlights.

Foundation of TheoBros

The foundation of the TheoBros worldview is based on the infamous Moscow Idaho pastor Douglas Wilson. If you haven't heard about Wilson, dig if you will, a quote from Wilson on sex:

“The sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party. A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts.”

The 71-year-old Wilson is passing along his philosophies to younger extremist white men who live in the TheoBros world.
According to Butler, the TheoBros group holds views far more extreme than traditional Christian Nationalists like Mike Johnson. Butler wrote:

"Many TheoBros, for example, don't think women belong in the pulpit or the voting booth — and even want to repeal the 19th Amendment. For some, prison reform would involve replacing incarceration with public flogging. Unlike more mainstream Christian nationalists, like House Speaker Mike Johnson, who are obsessed with the U.S. Constitution, many TheoBros believe that the Constitution is dead and that we should be governed by the Ten Commandments."

Who Are the TheoBros

Joel Webbon is a Wilson protégé and one of the most famous TheoBros. When I say famous I mean infamous because the 38-year-old pastor and podcaster received national media attention for his views. The MAGA pastor hates democracy because our government allows women to vote. Webbon approves the books his wife reads and he gets my vote as the creepiest member of the Theo Bros.

Another member of the TheoBros is Brian Sauvé, a 33-year-old podcaster, and pastor and Christian musician. Unlike some of the Christian Nationalists, Mother Jones reports that Sauvé doesn't pretend to have Judeo-Christian values. The outlet reported that this summer Sauvé posted:

“[O]ur political system is heavily influenced by Jews who reject Christ and embrace all manner of evils.”

Another TheoBro profiled in the Mother Jones article is Joshua Abbotoy. He works at the Claremont Institute, a Project 2025 partner. Jenny Cohn who reports on the threat of Christian Nationalism, has been calling out Abbotoy for some time.

TheoBro Andrew Isker is a pastor in Minnesota and the co-author of the book, "Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide For Taking Dominion And Discipling Nations."The book and Isker's views are nightmare fuel for anyone who is not white, male with radical right-wing beliefs.

William Wolfe is profiled in the Mother Jones article, and Wolfe is one of the most influential and dangerous TheoBros. Wolfe is an outspoken and militant Christian Nationalist true believer. Journalist Jenny Cohn as been reporting on Wolfe for quite some time. Wolfe talks about "Christians taking up arms" and regularly offers alarming statements.

Wolfe is in deep with the Heritage Foundation, Trump World and Project 2025. But here's what is most chilling about the rise of the TheoBros.

JD Vance Ties to TheoBros

Mother Jones reported that Doug Wilson, the TheoBros guru, shared the stage at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington, DC in July with Vance just before he was named as Trump's VP pick. According to the outlet,

"Wilson shared the stage with Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), and Mike Lee (R-Utah), as well as Vance, who auditioned his “America is a people” bit a week before his star turn at the GOP convention."

Evan Hurst's Substack offers vast resources about the Christian Right movement. In a recent Substack post, Hurst reported
on Josh Abbotoy, "executive director of American Reformer [the Theobros’ favorite magazine]." After Trump named Vance as his running mate, Hurst wrote about a photo of TheoBros with Vance with the caption, "Our guy."

Read Hurst's substack because he sums of the danger of Vance and his ties to the TheoBros. Hurst wrote:

J.D. Vance wants to be, again, literally one heartbeat from the presidency. Every fascist patriarchal bastard in this post wants him there too...That should terrify every patriotic American so much we each take a busload of newly registered voters to the polls."

Please read the Mother Jones article on the TheoBros and follow Jenny Cohn to keep up with this dangerous group.


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