Harris Proposes Expanding Medicare To Cover Long Term Home Care
Credit: DonkeyHotey
October 8, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris today will propose a major new initiative: expanding Medicare to cover the cost of long-term care at home. Via HuffPost:

Such a plan could mean the option of staying at home, rather than in a nursing facility, for the millions of seniors and people with disabilities who need help with the daily tasks of life.

It could also mean physical and financial relief ― and new opportunities for school or work outside the home ― for the millions of working-age Americans who today provide so much of that care on their own without much in the way of outside assistance.

If the proposed legislation is enacted, such a program would represent a substantial boost in federal support for caregiving and, by any measure, one of the largest one-time increases in American history.

Harris will make her announcement during an appearance on “The View,” the nation’s top-rated daytime talk show, according to campaign officials who spoke with reporters on Monday.

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