Fox's Laura Ingraham and Eric Trump give his father the Dear Leader treatment, pretending his train wreck of an interview at the Economic Club of Chicago was a great success while attacking Kamala Harris for never having run a business.
October 17, 2024

Fox's Laura Ingraham and Eric Trump give his father the Dear Leader treatment, pretending his train wreck of an interview at the Economic Club of Chicago was a great success while attacking Kamala Harris for never having run a business.

The knives were out after Harris made an appearance on Fox during a contentious interview with Bret Baier, and this segment on The Ingraham Angle, and this segment attacking Harris for that interview while gloating over Trump reminded me of something from North Korean television.

Here's the back and forth where Ingraham gets the name of the economic forum wrong. Trump appeared at the Economic Club of Chicago the day prior to this interview, not the Detroit Economic Club (which was also a disaster, by the way.)

INGRAHAM: But just I want to I want to go back to your dad was at the Detroit Economic Club yesterday, and put on I thought was just like a master class, that phrase is used too frequently, but it really was a master class in leverage, negotiations, why tariffs are an important tool in negotiations.

And I thought to myself, Kamala Harris could not do that if her life depended on it. Explain the Federal Reserve. What does it do? Explain how, you know, you know, the Fed works with interest rates. How does that affect markets? Could you think she could do that? I mean, I know you probably you're going to say no, but she couldn't do that again if if their life depended on.

TRUMP: Well, I mean, Laura, she's never actually had a real job, right? I mean, she's been the federal government her her entire adult life. She's never signed the front of a check. I mean, she's she's never run a business. She's never actually had to be on the receiving end of the very policies that she puts in.

I mean, she wants to have a tax on unrealized gains in this country. And congratulations, everybody in this country is bankrupt. I mean, you again, see her policies for San Francisco and how damaging they'd be.

I was so proud of my father. I mean, that whole audience, they were standing up.

INGRAHAM: Yeah, I loved it.

TRUMP: They were I love clapping. I mean, he's he's 100 percent right. He's been right about tariffs. And it's the greatest negotiating tool in the world. Don't take your companies out of the United States.

INGRAHAM: But she couldn't talk about it.

TRUMP: Aside from of course, she couldn't. But aside from the... don't take your companies out of the U .S., we're also going to make the United States the most business friendly place in the world. Right? I mean, we're going to have the lowest taxes, the best business environment, the lowest regulations.

We're going to bring the wealth of the world to the United States. Right? And we're also not allow, you know, countries around the world to rip us off. I was so proud of him yesterday. I thought he was he was awesome.

INGRAHAM: And it was positive. It was very positive. It was like, we're going to we're going to rock this and have fun doing it. Eric, this was wild. But I enjoyed watching this because the contrast between Trump and her, I mean, it was phenomenal.

The New Republic described the interview a bit differently: Trump Lashes Out at Live Fact-Checks During Disaster of an Interview:

Donald Trump insisted on bulldozing through gibberish answers during the train-wreck interview.

Donald Trump’s sit-down interview Tuesday with the Economic Club of Chicago went completely off the rails as the Republican presidential nominee struggled to offer concrete answers to a business-minded crowd, and miraculously performed even worse as he was fact-checked live onstage.

The Bloomberg News–sponsored event was intended to cover massive ground. Bloomberg’s top editor, John Micklethwait, pressed Trump on issues ranging from immigration, proposed tariffs, the dissolution of some of America’s biggest corporations, foreign policy with regard to Taiwan, and ultimately to the country’s fate post–Election Day. But Trump, seemingly, wasn’t prepared with answers.

The former president elicited groans from the crowd while dodging questions about his proposed foreign tariff plan, which includes a 200 percent tariff (which Trump insinuated could even be as high as 2,000 percent) on foreign cars.

Read the rest of the article for more of Trump's idiocy that day, along with our posts here, and here, but here are even more of the idiotic things he said that they're pretending were brilliant.

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