October 10, 2024

MAGA “Democrat” Alan Dershowitz was paired with Mohammed Hijab, introduced as a “Muslim philosopher, scholar and YouTuber,” to discuss the Israel-Hamas war on Piers Morgan’s “Uncensored” show. I’ll refrain from commenting on the substance of that part of the discussion.

Morgan claimed at the beginning that he wanted a “civilized debate,” one he hoped would reach “potentially some points of agreement.” But I suspect a food fight was exactly what he wanted. It was certainly what Morgan egged on and what he got.

I have almost nothing good to say about Dershowitz but he did make substantive and civil opening remarks on the state of the conflict. Hijab, on the other hand, went right for the jugular:

“First of all, I would like to say that wherever we see suffering, wherever we see death and destruction, especially of young people – assault, sexual assault, we see Dershowitz to the rescue,” Hijab began when it was his turn to speak. “The former defense attorney of Jeffrey Epstein, a man himself accused of – “

Dershowitz interrupted to say, “I knew we’d get to that –“

“I didn’t give you permission to interrupt me,” Hijab shot back. Then the shouting began.

Rather than ask Hijab to stick to the subject of Israel and Hamas, Morgan eventually broke in to say that attacking a lawyer for defending Epstein is “a stupid argument.”

Naturally, that only prompted more argument. Hijab asked Morgan if Dershowitz “has got leverage on you.” Morgan, of course, denied it.

After more totally off-topic squabbling, Hijab brought up Dershowitz’s bizarre admission that he had a massage at Jeffrey Epstein’s residence but kept his underwear on.

“You’re defending him, you’re defending a monster, a pervert, an old pervert,” Hijab told Morgan.

That’s when Dershowitz broke in and vowed to sue Hijab. Really.

From The Daily Beast:

“He just called me a pervert. He will be sued now for defamation and we will be able to resolve this in a court of law. I guarantee you that he will be sued for calling me a pervert. The woman who falsely accused me has now withdrawn her accusation and acknowledged that she may have confused me with somebody else.”

Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre dropped allegations of sexual abuse she made against Dershowitz in 2022, saying “I now recognize I may have made a mistake.”

Hijab was only emboldened by the intimidation: “You can’t threaten me. Sure, I’m ready for it. I’m ready for the lawsuit.”

“In my understanding you are a pervert because you are acquainted with Jeffrey Epstein,” he added. “I consider you to be a pervert because of your connection with Jeffrey Epstein.”

I’m not defending Hijab. But sue him for defamation for, at worst, overstating and mischaracterizing Dershowitz’s long relationship with pedophile Epstein? When Dershowitz holds himself up as such a First Amendment champion that he defended Donald Trump’s Jan. 6 speech as constitutionally protected? And called a ridiculous Trump lawsuit against Google, Facebook and Twitter an “important First Amendment case?”

I have no idea about nor any interest in Dershowitz’s sex life. But he sure does seem to be protesting a bit much, eh?

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