America can't heal unless Trump and crew answer for their 2020 election crimes.The peaceful transfer of power is one of foundations of democracy.
October 5, 2024

A new ad from the Harris Walz campaign (above) shows that America can be a place of hope and change, but America can't heal unless Trump and crew answer for their 2020 election crimes.The peaceful transfer of power is one of foundations of democracy. To keep our freedom long-term, we have to face the ugly truths on how we got in our current situation.

It's not about politics. We have an obligation to hold Trump and his crew responsible because their actions strike at the heart of of what sets America apart from the world. The United States cannot be the “the shining city upon a hill,” if some of our leaders don't care about the peaceful transfer of power. America was founded on the idea that we are a country of laws, not of men or women. Trump's actions to subvert the peaceful transfer of power broke our country.

Why the Peaceful Transfer of Power is So Important

When one political party hands over control to another without conflict, it shows that our society is ruled by laws, not individual leaders. Our first president George Washington started the peaceful transfer of power and even during the difficult times before the Civil War, every president gave up their power. Until Donald Trump.

America's incumbent president refused to accept the election results in 2020 for the first time in our country's history. The Trump campaign went to court to legally challenge the election results, losing in court over 60 times. As Jack Smith's court filing shows, when there was no legal way to stay in power, Trump committed crimes and encouraged/bullied others to help him. The crimes the former president committed to stay in power means he tried to overturn the will of 81 million American people who voted to elect Joe Biden.

The Importance of Holding Trump and His Allies Accountable

Trump's actions are a cancer poisoning our democracy. If we let political leaders get away with criminal acts, it sets a dangerous preceden. It shows that individuals are above the law and can use their power to do whatever they want. Part of the beauty of democracy is that the rules must hold, even if you don't like the outcome. Holding the January 6 planners responsible sends a message to other countries that America takes its democratic values seriously. It shows that we will not allow authoritarians to bully our people. The heart of democracy rests on choosing leaders through regular, free, and fair elections.

Almost 150 members of congress refused to certify the 2020 presidential election. In 2024, Republicans say they will only certify the election if Trump wins.

The World Depends on American Democracy

A peaceful transition shows that America is a law-abiding country where the will of the people is respected. After January 6, I spoke to European friend and joked about moving into her guest room in case Trump took over. My even-keeled friend got very angry and said:

"You Americans don't get it. You joke about Trump and your crazy Republicans but you don't understand! Don't you know that if America falls, the whole world falls too? If Trump takes over America, they will be no place to go."

The entire world is depending on America. No other country in history has held on to democracy as long as America. The United States is a beacon for millions of freedom loving people around the globe. Trump and the GOP destroying our country's peaceful transfer of power and spreading lies to make people lose trust in our country's democratic process--and in democracy around the world.

Do Something to Elect Kamala Harris and Stay Involved! I TOTALLY LOST THIS SECTION AND IT NEEDS EDITING!!!

Abraham Lincoln said America was a "government of the people, by the people, for the people." To keep our country, we must elect Kamala Harris. We are underdogs in this election that's why everyone needs to do something to help make it happen. Small actions by every citizen can make the difference between democracy and falling into authoritarian rule.

Go to as soon as possible. The Harris campaign has made it SIMPLE for people to get involved and do their part. You can make calls, write postcards or volunteer to drop off signs. There are tasks for everyone to do, some take very little time.

We can't let anti-democratic forces take over ever again. Every American needs to engage in our democracy.The GOP was able to almost kill our country by taking over school boards, and county clerk offices. While everyone was on their phones or watching "Real Housewives" the bad guys and gals were slowly taking over.

Finally, America needs to bring civics classes back to our schools. Children (and parents) need to understand how our free country works and why it's important that we fight for democracy.

We all do good by everyone doing good. Giving other people a step up doesn't mean you lose, and it's time we return to that guiding principle.

Credit: Kamala

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