September 27, 2024

While doing a a press gaggle with Donald Trump, Volodymyr Zelensky cut off Donald's praise of Putin and told him he hopes they "can have better relations."

Trump, flanked to the right by Pres. Zelensky, ambled on about how their relationship is so great and how the Ukraine president stood by Trump during his impeachment over trying to force him into digging up dirt against Biden.

And then this moment happened.

TRUMP: He could have played cute, and he didn't play cute. And so I appreciated that. So we have a very good relationship.

And I also have a very good relationship, as you know, with President Putin. And I think if we win, I think we're going to get it resolved very quickly. Very work — I really think we're going to get it resolved.

ZELENSKY: I hope we have we have more good relations.

TRUMP: The President Oh, I see. Yeah. But, you know, it takes two to tango, you know.

In other words, don't try to bribe and threaten me again.

Two to tango? That means Trump told the Ukraine president if he wins, he needs to play ball with him or else.

Demented Donald continues to say if he wins, the Russia-Ukraine war will end "very quickly." The only way that happens is if Trump forces Ukraine to give up its territory to Putin and surrenders.

As Lauren Rozen tweets, Trump could demand Putin withdraw his forces from Ukraine.

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