February 26, 2022

The United States has offered to evacuate President Zelensky and his family from Kyiv to avoid being captured or killed by the Russians. He's refused.

"We're all here. Our military is here. Citizens in society are here. We're all here defending our independence, our country, and it will stay this way," Zelensky said, standing outside the presidency building.

Source: Washington Post

The U.S. government has offered/is prepared to help Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky leave the capital city of Kyiv to avoid being captured or killed by advancing Russian forces, according to U.S. and Ukrainian officials. But so far, the president has refused to leave.

As Russian forces ratcheted up their attacks on Friday, a defiant Zelensky pledged to remain in place. “According to the information we have, the enemy has marked me as target No. 1, my family as target No. 2,” he told Ukrainians in an early-morning address. “They want to destroy Ukraine politically by destroying the head of state.”

Last night, this was posted on Facebook.

Translated, and with music added.

Gaining enormous respect worldwide.

And he was out again this morning.

Yeah, he ain't goin' nowhere.

And neither is Kyiv's mayor.

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