Former President Donald Trump suggested he could efficiently conduct mass deportations if reelected because immigrants have "serial numbers."
September 22, 2024

Former President Donald Trump suggested he could efficiently conduct mass deportations if reelected because immigrants have "serial numbers."

In a Sunday interview on Full Measure, host Sharyl Attkisson challenged Trump on his promise of mass deportations.

"Don't you think the first time there is an image on television of a family tearfully being told to board a bus that that whole program would end?" Attkisson asked.

"That's right," Trump said. "You take a young woman with two beautiful children, and you put her on a bus, and it ends up on the front page of every newspaper. It makes it a lot harder."

"So yes to mass deportation, even of women and children," he continued. "You put one wrong person onto a bus or onto an airplane, and your radical left lunatics will try and make it sound like the worst thing that's ever happened."

Trump said that he would work with local authorities to round up immigrants by "serial numbers."

"But we're getting the criminals out, and we're going to do that fast, and we know who they are, and the local police know their names, and they know their serial numbers," he insisted. "They know everything about them."

"We're not a dumping ground," he added. "We're going to get all of those people out, and we're going to get them out fast."

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