September 22, 2024

Former President Donald Trump blamed COVID-19 on "dust" that "flew in from China."

In an interview that aired on Sunday, Heritage Foundation-funded journalist Sharyl Attkisson asked Trump about how well he handled the pandemic.

"In terms of overall, I think I did an amazing job with COVID," the former president insisted. "I never got the credit for it. Remember that more people died under Biden-Harris than died under Trump."

"I never got great credit on the fighting of the China virus, which is COVID, but we call it the China virus because we like to be accurate," he continued. "But if you think of what I've done, I took a disaster that came into our shores, that dust flew in from China, and we started making things like the ventilators."

Trump predicted that he would "not be given credit" for the "fantastic job" he did.

"Nobody knew what it was," he added. "Nobody knew where it came from."

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