Demented Donald threw cold water all over his supporters who were conned by him into believing massive voter fraud stole the election away from him.
September 26, 2024

Instead of a rally, Trump spoke at a Charlotte-area warehouse in North Carolina. During his speech he rambled out of the blue about the 2020 election results, admitting he lost to Joe Biden.

Trump was bragging that he received more votes than any sitting president before him which is meaningless and ridiculous since he got trounced by almost 8 million votes. I guess his addled brain transitioned into the making an explosive statement to his MAGA cult.

TRUMP: We were getting ready to do it, and then a lot of bad things happened. We did much better, by the way, in the election of 2020 than we did in 2016.

Just remember that. Millions and millions of votes more. More votes than any sitting president in the history of our country.

But they beat us by a whisker. They beat us just by a little whisker.

He beat us from the basement.

If you're a MAGAt, I hope you heard this and heard it good.

Trump played you all for fools.

He played you for fkn idiots.

Police were killed during the insurrection.

January 6th defendants, I hope you rot in jail.

And you all deserved it

Hey Donald Dump, Ashli Babbitt will still be alive if you admitted you lost on Nov 6th, 2020 instead of on Sept 25, 2024.

Trump didn't lose 'by a whisker.' Biden received 306 electoral votes to Trump's received 232 and Biden received the most votes in the history of the country with 81,283,501, dwarfing Trump's meager 74 million.

Trump's lies tore the country apart and are still doing it.

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