June 17, 2024

Election fraud wackos never die; they just keep spewing out deranged ideas from disturbed minds.

Right Wing Watch writes, "Self-proclaimed "prophetess" Kat Kerr, who repeatedly guaranteed that Trump would win in 2020, claims that hundreds of thousands of Trump ballots are still being found."

They've stolen the elections.

They've thrown them in the river, the ballots in the river.

They've burned ballots.

They've hidden ballots.

They even shot down a Black Hawk helicopter.

Isn't this strange?

Bringing them from the military that was overseas, they were carrying the ballots and that helicopter was shot down so that they could never be counted.

And then a lot of, they're even now finding them in lockers and finding them in chests, they're finding them in all kinds of different places, buried, they're still finding ballots, like uncovering hundreds of thousands, not just you, you've got hundreds of thousands of ballots for the 2020 election, all voting for Trump, of course.

They are uncovering all of them.

They have so much evidence right now.

And as I've said before in the past and will always say, it is going to be proven that he won.

Trump lost bigly. Not by a little bit, but by a fucking mountain.

Adolph's propaganda ghosts would be so proud of Kerr.

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