September 11, 2024

Long-time Fox News host and analyst Brit Hume praised VP Harris' debate performance, castigating Trump for taking the bait and spewing his same tired tropes.

Hume started by saying Harris didn't answer all the questions surrounding her campaign before focusing on the debate itself.

HUME: Never. She said she'd go down the list. She never really...

She never did.

Now, look, make no mistake about it.

Trump had a bad night.

He rose to debate repeatedly when she baited him, something I'm sure his advisors had begged him not to do. You know, in the first debate when Biden attacked him, he just kept his cool and kept going.

In this debate, he rose to debating, and we heard so many of the old grievances that we'd long thought that Trump had learned were not winners politically. And there they all were.

You know, talking about how he didn't lose the election and all that. And so my sense is that she came out of this in pretty good shape. Now, how long this will last is anybody's guess, but for tonight at least, this was pretty much her night.

You're saying she had a good night?

I'm saying she certainly did.

Trump had a bad night and Harris won the debate.

Matt Drudge agrees.


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