September 16, 2024

Rep. Laurel Lee demanded Democrats stop campaigning against Trump on Fox and Friends because she feels they are too mean to him.

Maybe Rep. Lee should look at Trump's constant vitriolic attacks on the left, the media and the Democratic party.

After the latest nut was apprehended in Florida who had assassination of his mind, it's not surprising Republicans are blaming Democratic Party. I'm only surprised they haven't accused the New York Times of sending Ryan Wesley Routh to do the job.

Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy did not blame any political party for the latest incident when he brought up the topic of heated rhetoric during the campaign season, but Rep. Lee was more than happy to blame Democrats.

DOOCY: We did hear from the Secret Service spokesperson yesterday in the afternoon when they were giving that briefing, and he alluded to how these, I forget the exact terminology he used, but he essentially said these are dangerous times.

And one of the things that contributes to that is just the rhetoric, and you know, people are at each other's throats. Do you see that as a contributing factor in Butler, which you've already looked at?

REP. LEE: Absolutely. The rhetoric is every day, all day.

And as it's directed against President Trump, it's saying that he's a threat to democracy, that he's going to destroy America. It's absolutely absurd and it is irresponsible. And Democrats and people who are speaking in these terms about President Trump need to take responsibility and really think about the consequence of using that kind of language.

Because here we are again. And so the days immediately after Butler, we heard people accept that that needed to stop, but it didn't last. And that today is a day that that needs to be taken seriously.

It lasted about a day and a half.

Both "assassins" were registered Republicans so it begs the question. Do Republicans dislike Trump more than Democrats?

Republicans and the MAGA GOP always ignore, apologize, cover-up, or refuse to discuss Trump's vile vitriolic attacks on his political rivals and people that criticize him in the media.

Just watch what Trump said at the debate or any one of his rallies, where he consistently says "we won't have a country anymore" if Kamala Harris wins. Look at what Republicans are doing to Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio and tell us more about how it's Harris with the vile rhetoric. Harris is telling the truth, while JD Vance and Donald Trump lie about everything.

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