July 24, 2023

Former President Donald Trump has always been a divider instead of a uniter. I don't think Fox News's Laura Ingraham has been paying attention. The twice-indicted former President has been lashing out at his base, and that's not helpful during a campaign cycle.

"Attacking popular Republican governors or senators in battleground states is more than unwise," the Fox host said. “It's self-destructive. Why do it?"

"Voters in a general election want to vote for a winner, not a whiner," she continued. “So please, for the love of God, stop talking about 2020. That will not bring a single voter out to support you who didn't support you before."

"You need to grow the pot, not shrink it," she added. “Be magnanimous and be the elder statesman that Biden is not, obviously, capable of it. That will reassure people. And look, your policies worked before; they're gonna work again."

I'm not sure which policies she's talking about. Was it when he bumbled his response to COVID-19? Was it the wall that never got built? Was it his job numbers? Because if so, he left the White House in disgrace with the worst numbers since Herbert Hoover. He was gifted with a healthy economy, then threw it out like yesterday's dinner. And he will never stop talking about 2020 unless he's under oath.

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