The South is rising up against all those brown people who want to immigrate to the United States. I'm not sure why anyone would want to, given the kind of attitude they're likely to encounter from people like Rep. Mo Brooks, but they still do.
During an appearance on The Matt Murphy Show earlier this week, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), a far-right Congressman with a long history of race-baiting, praised Trump for his widely condemned Muslim ban and criticized President Obama’s immigration policy. In Brooks’ opinion, Obama really wants to make America a place where god-fearing white people are pushed out so the country can be darker and more dangerous. Wait, what?
Well, of course it does. But they haven't been as brave to admit that until Donald Trump gave them all permission to come out of the closet and say so.
Yep, Brooks told Murphy that the only reason we don’t have a pause on all immigration — Brooks is a staunch opponent of immigration reform and pretty much any form of immigration into this country — is due to the fact that POTUS “wants to change the way America looks.” He then decried the President’s immigration policy, saying “a lot of it has to do with skin pigmentation” and “religious values,” essentially statinging that Obama only wants to allow Muslims and other brown/black people into this country.
So, why would Obama want to do this? Brooks is very glad you asked.
“[President Obama] is hell-bent on doing this kind of damage to his country because he doesn’t think the Judeo-Christian people who made America the greatest nation in world history are deserving of the role that they have played in making America great.”
Start at about halfway if you want to hear him say it in the audio interview below.
That last statement of Brooks's is interesting, given that Drudge is lit up this morning over the fact that President Obama suggested that race might be a factor in why there's so much hate directed at him during an interview on NPR. Here's the front page right now.
What’s objectionable about Obama’s statement? Trump has run a xenophobic, hysterical campaign warning Americans about Mexican “rapists,” Black Lives Matter activists and Muslims who allegedly cheered on 9/11. He gained his current upper hand in the Republican Party by trolling the president for being born in Kenya. Also on Monday, FiveThirtyEight reported that all of Trump’s lead in the GOP race is attributable to his dominance among voters without a college education. (Among Republicans with a degree, he trails Ted Cruz slightly.)
Obama’s observation has been a staple of political analysis of the Trump phenomenon, even among Republicans. Why should it be more objectionable when the president says it?
Well, hey. Skin pigmentation has something to do with that, just like the good ole boy said.