Micheal Steele castigated Republicans for knowing how odious Mark Robinson is, but only turned on him after his poll numbers cratered and news of his online antics broke.
September 20, 2024

Former head of the RNC and now MSNBC contributor Michael Steele blasted Republicans for suddenly dropping their support for Christian nationalist extremist Mark Robinson for North Carolina governor when new inflammatory information came to light.

Mark Robinson has said horrible things about the LGBTQ+ community, women, Hitler, murder and the left that C&L has documented, so it was weird that he won the Republican nomination for governor.

But as Steele said to Republicans, "He is you."

STEELE: So, so this was the line? This was the line. Republicans, this answer.

So this was the line you're drawing now, where the Trump campaign in the North Carolina Republican Party is like, oh, he got to go.

This is the line? The, the, the porn site and the, really? The Black Nazi stuff, that was the line. So the killing, killing people wasn't a problem.

All the other stuff he said before now wasn't a problem as you embraced this man and raised him above your head and say, he is us.

Well, he is you.

North Carolina Republicans, this is who you nominated.

You knew all this stuff about him. We got videos going back years on this boy, on this man.

Give me a break. Give me a break. And so here's the rub.

The numbers in North Carolina show that the Democratic nominee for president is not only, has not only spanked Donald Trump on the debate stage, but it's spanking Republicans in the state of North Carolina.

And that race is tightened up to the point where she now is, has strong leads in areas they didn't think would be possible. So that's why the GOP and the Trump campaign are now throwing this stuff up here saying he's got to go.

He's got to go. So this is your line. And this is only your line, only your line because you're losing the state.

Because otherwise you'd be perfectly fine with all of this because you were fine with it before the poll numbers started going against you.

That's how cynical and corrupt this process has become for Republicans.

WALLACE: Please don't say spank again.

Please say spank often. Every day. Let's all spank them.

Mark Robinson is one of the worst Christian nationalist MAGA creeps I've ever written about.

The man uses religion, the Bible, and Jesus in most unsavory and despicable ways. All these alleged men of the cloth that weigh in for Trump are hypocritical frauds.

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